
SVG Sprites Demo.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


They're the best.


To set this repo up and start playing around with SVG:

  1. Download the zip.
  2. Reun npm install to set up gulp and all the relevant dependencies.



The gulp task to build an svg sprite that will contain all of your svgs.

var gulp     = require('gulp'),
    svgstore = require('gulp-svgstore'),
    svgmin   = require('gulp-svgmin'),
    rename   = require('gulp-rename');

gulp.task('svgstore', function () {
    return gulp
            // the path that contains all of your source svg files

            // I like to set up a namespace for my icons, since this
            //  will attach ID's to each <symbol> item in the sprite
            .pipe(rename({prefix: 'icon--'}))

            // minify the svg
            .pipe( svgmin() )

            // output only <svg> element without <?xml ?> and DOCTYPE
                inlineSvg: true

            // the directory to which we are saving the full sprite

JavaScript to inline the sprite

This snippet will grab the built svg sprite in the dest directory from above and insert it into html.


<!-- this is the element that we will put the svg sprite into -->
<div style="height: 0; width: 0; position: absolute; visibility: hidden" id="svg-sprite"></div>


// open a new xmlhttprequest
var request    = new XMLHttpRequest();

// select the document we're going to put the sprite into
var spriteDiv  = document.getElementById("svg-sprite");

// the path to the source svg sprite
var spritePath = "svg/build/icons.svg";

// load up the svg
request.open('GET', spritePath, true);

// when the request has been loaded, check to see if the svg has been
//  loaded alright (based on the given status). If it's good, set the
//  DOM element's innerHTML to the content from the loaded svg.
//  Otherwise, throw an error.
request.onload = function() {
    if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) {
        var resp = this.response;
        spriteDiv.innerHTML = resp;
    } else {
        console.error("There was an error getting the icons");

// just a check for a request error
request.onerror = function() {
    console.error("There was an error getting the icons");

// send the request!

Other links

  • gulp-svgstore - the gulp task.
  • svg-encode - npm module to copy a URI encoded svg to your clipboard, for use as a data URI.