
A starter kit for WordPress builds from scratch.

Primary LanguagePHP

WordPress Starter Kit

A starter kit for WordPress builds from scratch. Includes WordPress core and a very barebones theme based on _s.

This site is also set up to run with Docker and Ups Dock. Running the install script will build the the Docker containers, install necessary packages, install WP-CLI, and then install WordPress and configure your wp-config.php to hit the right database. It will also enable the ACF Pro and WP Migrate DB plugins.

Quick links:

Getting set up

  1. Make sure Ups Dock is installed and up and running.
  2. Download and extract this repo.
  3. Run npm install to install gulp and get all that good stuff set up for theming.
  4. Copy .env.sample to .env and update to reflect your theme values.
  5. In docker-compose.yml, update the container_name settings for the two services to reflect the container names that you'd like.
  6. In the theme directory, update style.css to reflect your theme values.
  7. From the root directory, run ./bin/install.sh.

Once compiled, you should be able to access your WordPress installation via ups.dock using the subdomain you set up.

The Javascript Structure

The Javascript for this projects utilizes Babel to utilize ES6 syntax, as well as some Browserify goodness to enable Javascript modules. There are some starting modules in the webroot/wp-content/themes/sherman/js/arsenal directory; to enable any of these modules, import them into the javascript file that you're going to use the module in.

Custom Page Blocks

This theme uses Advanced Custom Fields to create a Flexible Content field for the "page" content type that allows the user to add additional content blocks onto that page. To set this functionality up, simply import the acf-page-blocks.json file in the _imports directory.

Once you import the json file you will find a "Page Blocks" field group in the ACF admin section. This will include a Flexible Content field called Page Blocks that will start off with one layout, the "Simple Copy Block."

To add a new block, duplicate the block.php file inside the blocks directory in the theme, and rename the copied file to reflect the function of the block (include a leading block- in the filename). Back in the ACF admin and the "Page Blocks" field group, add a new layout and add the relevant fields for that layout. The "name" field for this layout should match the php file name (without the trailing .php). For example, if you created a block called block-latest_blog_posts.php, you would name the layout latest_blog_posts.

When you add a new layout, this block will be available in the "Page Blocks" field group on all pages.

WordPress Imports

Inside the _imports directory, there are some .json files that can be imported into ACF to add common components.


The Advanced Custom Fields setup for page blocks. Creates an additional Flexible Content field for pages that allows for the addition of secondary blocks onto that page. See the custom page blocks section below.

Admin Filters

Within the theme directory, there are some admin filters in place in the lib/admin directory that extend the administrative functionality. Check out the files in that directory to add WYSIWYG styles, add columns for custim fields to post types, adjust the administrative interface, and more.

A database directory?

The .gitignore ignores the db/ directory, but the Docker container mounts this so that any db dump tha is added to this directory can be accessed by the WP CLI.

Docker commands

To start the container, run docker-compose up -d.

To stop the container, run docker-compose stop.

To run a command with WP CLI, run docker-compose exec wordpress wp [command].

To SSH into the container, run docker-compose exec wordpress /bin/bash.

To import a database, run ./bin/import.sh [path_to_db].

Gulp Tasks

Gulp is used to maintain and complete a number of tasks for the site, including compiling sass and babelifying the javascript. You can use gulp help to get an overview of the tasks present in this project, or use the reference below.


Runs the watcher.

gulp help

List all the tasks defined in the gulpfile, and see a description of what they do.

gulp build

Builds the Javascript using the ES6 modules and running all the files through Babel to get us down to ES5.

gulp minify

Minify the compiled Javascript.

gulp styles

Compiles sass.

gulp watch

Watch the sass and Javascripts within the theme for changes, and then run the appropriate compiler.

API Reference

Getting fields

sk_the_field( $field, $args = array() )

Helper function that enhances the ACF the_field function with some optional settings.

$field is the string indicating the ACF field to get.

$args is an associative array with the following options:

  • id (int) : Post we're getting the field for.
  • before (string) : HTML markup to appear before the field.
  • after (string) : HTML markup to appear after the field.
  • filter (string) : Any filter you'd like to apply to the field.
  • filter_args (array) : An associative array that will pass the values to the given filter.
  • sub_field (boolean) : Whether or not this field is a sub-field. Default is FALSE.
  • default (mixed) : If the field is undefined, the default value of this function call.
  • return (boolean) : If true, return the value of this field rather than echo it out. Default is FALSE
  • debug (boolean) : Debug flag; offers the option to print out helpful debugging data.

If the return argument is true, this function returns a string containing the markup with the requested field.

sk_get_field( $field, $args = array() )

Wrapper to call the sk_the_field() function with the return parameter set to TRUE.

sk_the_subfield( $field, $args = array() )

Wrapper to call the sk_the_field() function with the sub_field parameter set to TRUE.

sk_get_subfield( $field, $args = array() )

Wrapper to call the sk_the_field() function with the sub_field and return parameters set to TRUE.

sk_block_field( $field, $args = array() )

Wrapper to display a field within a block. Since the page blocks utilizes an ACF repeater field, this is an alias of sk_the_subfield().



Hooks into the ACF repeater field to render all the additional page blocks for a page. Calls tempaltes in the blocks/ directory

Theme Filters

There are a number of filters that can be used to handle values within the theme. The source for these filters can be found in inc/filters.php.


Filter for handling an image object from the database and returning a valid img tag with the appropriate src from that image object. This filter can be passed an associative array with the following values:

  • img_size (string) : The registered image size in WordPress


Renders an email address as a linked link.


Sanitize any values coming through the CMS that should be output as HTML and make sure that it's svg code.


Renders markup for a youtube video embed from a YouTube video ID.