Chaotician on some form of a code bender. APIs/Ruby/JS/Deno/Rescript/Serverless or Serverfull
Open To New OpportunitiesSouth East
braidn's Following
- aamyot
- al3xPortland, Oregon, USA
- aroduribeWebflow
- biancouver
- BlakeGuilloudGreensboro, NC
- bourroushMontréal
- bryanmtlChord Commerce
- christoomey@augusthealth
- dkimotSLC, UT
- dustineichler@smalhaus
- FerPerales@thoughtbot
- getaclue00
- giancarlopetriniGreensboro, NC
- hcarnes
- huoxitoTeresina, PI - Brazil
- jashkenasBerkeley
- joshed-io@postmanlabs
- joshuaballoch
- jteneyckeToronto, Ontario, Canada
- KarlHarnois
- kassielbatistaAlpha Consultoria - Founder
- LaurentDario@gsoft
- marcusrambergreMarkable
- midupomme
- nancynaluz@glossier
- nelsonic@dwyl
- orbit-loveSan Francisco, CA
- picatz@hashicorp
- puemos@postmanlabs
- rauchg
- scottymoeSalt Lake City
- shagemanGusto
- shannb
- simonwalsh@chordcommerce
- skparkkNew York
- ZEisingerSnoqualmie, WA