
Application providing bridge between old HTTP/getwork protocol and Stratum mining protocol.

Primary LanguagePython


Notes on Stratum extensions

In order to operate on bosminer, stratum extensions need to be enabled (--enable-stratum-extensions).

Installation using Docker

This works on any system with Docker (Linux/Mac/Windows) and doesn't need anything other than Git and Docker.

  1. Download and extract this directory
  2. cd stratum-mining-proxy
  3. docker build -t stratum-mining-proxy .
  4. Run interactively: docker run -it --rm -p 3333:3333 stratum-mining-proxy -o us-east.stratum.slushpool.com -p 3333 -sh -sp 3333
  5. Run interactively: docker run -it --rm -p 3333:3333 stratum-mining-proxy -o eu.stratum.slushpool.com -p 3333 -sh -sp 3333
  6. Run as a service: docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --rm -p 3333:3333 stratum-mining-proxy -o us-east.stratum.slushpool.com -p 3333 -sh -sp 3333

Installation on Linux using Git

This is advanced option for experienced users, but give you the easiest way for updating the proxy.

  1. install python2 and python2-virtualenv for your distribution
  2. Download and extract this directory
  3. Download stratum dependency git clone git://github.com/braiins/stratum.git
  4. cd stratum-mining-proxy
  5. virtualenv .env --python=/usr/bin/python2.7
  6. . .env/bin/activate
  7. python -m pip install -e ../stratum
  8. python mining_proxy.py -o us-east.stratum.slushpool.com -sh -sp 3333 --enable-stratum-extensions

Troubleshooting: Installation on Ubuntu/RaspberryPi

There seem to be problems with building pyinstaller with default compiler GCC on RaspberryPi

  1. install python2 and python2-virtualenv for your distribution
  2. Download and extract this directory
  3. git clone git://github.com/braiins/stratum.git
  4. cd stratum-mining-proxy
  5. virtualenv .env --python=/usr/bin/python2.7
  6. . .env/bin/activate
  7. Manually build PyInstaller:
    1. sudo apt-get install clang
    2. git clone https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller.git
    3. cd pyinstaller/bootloader/
    4. python ./waf all --target-arch=32bit --clang
    5. sudo apt-get remove clang # remove the clang, it is not needed anymore
    6. cd ..
    7. python setup.py install
    8. cd ..
  8. python -m pip install -e ../stratum
  9. mkdir -p .env/local/include/python2.7
  10. ln -s /usr/include/python2.7/pyconfig.h .env/local/include/python2.7/pyconfig.h
  11. pyinstaller -F mining_proxy.py --name stratum-mining-proxy
  12. Resulting binary is in dist/stratum-mining-proxy

Installation on Arch Linux

  1. git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/stratum-mining-proxy.git
  2. cd stratum-mining-proxy
  3. makepkg -sri
  4. run stratum-mining-proxy -o us-east.stratum.slushpool.com -p 3333 -sh -sp 3333 --enable-stratum-extensions