
A place for useful information from the ESO guild New Scrolls Order discord



- grab attention of enemy unit (singular) so they focus on and attack only you
    - timed
    - melee vs ranged:
        - ranged: inner fire from uundaunted skill line
        - pierce: one hand and shield skill line
        - ice staff: heavy attack
        - others?  I don't know, defer to other experienced tanks


- reduces incoming damage
    - 32.5k resistance max == 50% damage reduction
- sources of resistance
    - heavy armor
    - bloodspawn monster set == 6450 spell/phys resistance
    - Set bonuses: several sets offer resistance bonuses
    - CP
        - Heavy Armor Focus: phys pen
        - Spell Shield: spell resistance


- Health:  
    - trials: aim for at least 35k-40k health, minimum
    - dungeons: can most likely get away with less
        - a lot less for normal dungeons
- Stamina:
    - all blocks cost stamina, most tank builds live and die by stamina pools and stamina regen
    - the focus of your build will most likely include a lot of stam regen, stam pools, and tading magicka for
    - while blocking, stamina does not regenerate
    - CP:  lower that block cost, and anything else that uses stamina (roll dodge, sprinting, etc...)
- Magicka:
    - Caveat:  I am not well versed in magicka based tanks
    - DK allows trading magicka for stamina, so some builds (woeler shredder, focuses on magicka regen)
    - Magicka does regen while blocking


- take damage so others don't (obvious, i know)
- stay alive: a dead tank is no tank
- buff the group: support the team by making them stronger
    - aggressive warhorn
- debuff boss: support the team by making the boss:
    - attack weaker
    - armor weaker
    - movement slower
- gather adds/pull them into a tight group so AOEs hit everything
- turn boss away from the group
    - If you do not know the mechanics, this is the fallback option for tanking
- learn fight mechanics:
    - you have to know what bosses are going to do, so you can effectively avoid their damage


- Some bosses will ignore or break aggro very quickly
    - stay alive
    - focus on buff/debuff
    - if the fight has adds: group the adds and/or pull them away from the boss
- Unrelenting Grip/Chains is *NOT* a taunt
    - will pull adds to you, but will not grab their aggro
- Use synergies!
    - they replenish resource pools

General Advice

- You die, the group likely dies
- Tanking vet content is almost always about resource management
    - make abilities as cheap as possible
    - make stam/mag regen as high as possible
    - slot abilities/passives that regen stam/mag/health pools
- A lot of health is good, but too much can stress healers
    - aim for 40k - 60k
    - know that the higher your health, the harder it is to heal
        - healers don't see your max health, they see the bar in the top left, if you have 60k health, but have
          taken 40k damage, the healer doesn't know that you still have 20k health, they only see that you are at
          33% health.  They'll heal and see you only jump to 50%, and then get concerned...
- have a self heal
    - in emergency situations, you need to heal yourself until healers can take over again
        - vigor (pvp)
        - green dragon blood (DK)
        - others (?)


- Races:
    - Argonian is best ATM for the following passives:  (current meta)
        - increases to healing done and recieved
        - increase to pot benefits
        - 9% max health increase
    - Imperial, has good passives for tanking
    - Others, i'm unsure here, check out woeler/google
- Classes:
    - DK:  current meta
        - chain: pull, but not taunt, enemies
        - green dragon blood: self heal and add to stam/health regen
  • Questions?
  • Go take on world bosses/group dungeon