This Powershell module adds-or-updates firewall rules for your current client ip-address to all Azure Synapse Workspaces & SQL Servers located in the provided Resourcegroup.
- Az.Accounts
- Az.Synapse
- Az.Sql
Elevated1 installation for all users
Install-Module -Name Add-AzFirewallRule
Install-Module -Name Add-AzFirewallRule -Scope CurrentUser
# Provide specific tenant/subscription
Add-AzFirewallRule -tenantId "myAzureTenantId" -SubscriptionId "myAzureSubscriptionId" -resourceGroupName "myResourceGroup"
# Or use tenant and subscription of your current context
Add-AzFirewallRule -tenantId $((Get-AzContext).Tenant.Id) -SubscriptionId $((Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id) -resourceGroupName "myResourceGroup"
Needs the Powershell console to be executed als local administrator. ↩