
pwinty customize

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP Pwinty

A PHP implementation of the Pwinty HTTP API v2.1

Based on an implementation of API v1 by Brad Pineau


With Composer

Add the following to the require section of your composer.json file:

"pwinty/php-pwinty": "dev-master"

Without Composer

Add this line to your application:


Declare a new instance of php-pwinty

use pwinty\PhpPwinty;

$config = array(
    'api'        => 'sandbox',
    'merchantId' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    'apiKey'     => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
$pwinty = new PhpPwinty($config);

Example Usage


$catalogue = $pwinty->getCatalogue(
    "GB",               //country code
    "Pro"               //quality


$countries = $pwinty->getCountries();   


//gets all orders
$order = $pwinty->getOrder(); 

//gets one order
$order = $pwinty->getOrderStatus("1234"); 

//creates a new order
$order = $pwinty->createOrder(
    "Chuck Norris",     //name
    "chuck@norris.com", //email address
    "123 Some Road",    //address1
    "Some place",       //address 2
    "Some town",        //town
    "Some state",       //state
    "12345",            //postcode or zip
    "GB",               //country code
    "GB",               //destination code
    true,               //tracked shipping
    "InvoiceMe",        //payment method
    "Pro"               //quality

//updates an order
$order = $pwinty->updateOrder(
    "1234",             //order id
    "Chuck Norris",     //name
    "123 Some Road",    //address1
    "Some place",       //address 2
    "Some town",        //town
    "Some state",       //state
    "12345",            //postcode or zip

//change order status
    "1234,              //orderid
    "Cancelled"         //status

//get order status
$order = $pwinty->getOrderStatus(
    "1234"              //order id


//gets information about photos for an order
$photos = $pwinty->getPhotos(
    "1234"              //order id

//gets information about a single photo
$photo = $pwinty->getPhotos(
    "1234",             //order id
    "123456"            //photo id

//adds a photo
    "1234",                             //order id
    "4x6",                              //print size
    "http://www.mysite.com/photo.jpg",  //image url
    "1",                                //print quantity
    "ShrinkToFit",                      //resize method
    "2000",                             //price to user
    "811cc87f4f77d6c33d638f9def39473b", //md5 hash
    "ewhweo42ufh2woed45f2sdf4yt5sdufw"  //file

//delete a photo
    "1234",             //order id
    "123456"            //photo id