
Code and trained model for Hybrid ranking network for text-to-SQL on WikiSQL

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Hybrid Ranking Network for Text-to-SQL

Code for our paper Hybrid Ranking Network for Text-to-SQL

Environment Setup

  • Python3.7
  • Pytorch 1.3.1 or higher

Once Python and Pytorch is installed, run pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependent Python packages.


  1. Download WikiSQL data to data/wikisql folder, and run python wikisql_gendata.py to preprocess data.
  2. Run python main.py train --conf conf/wikisql.conf --gpu 0,1,2,3 --note "some note".
  3. Model will be saved to output folder, named by training start datetime.


  1. Modify model, input and output settings in wikisql_prediction.py and run it.
  2. Run WikiSQL evaluation script to get official numbers.

Trained Model

Trained model that can generate reported number on WikiSQL leaderboard is available here.