##What is Rails-setup? Rails-setup is a tiny script to automatically do the boring tasks usually done when creating a new Rails project
Right now, it does the following:
- Creates your new Rails project
- Updates the Gemfile to include:
- Haml
- Sass
- RSpec
- Debugger
- FactoryGirl
- FFaker
- Shoulda-matchers
- Database-cleaner
These are all gems I use in pretty much every rails project, and so I created this script for my use. You're more than welcome to use it, or fork and and create something more personalized to what you use.
- Clone this repository somewhere
- Move the rails-setup file somewhere into your path (/usr/bin should usually work)
sudo cp rails-setup/rails-setup /usr/bin/
- Chmod rails-setup in your PATH to 755
chmod 755 /usr/bin/rails-setup
To create and setup a new rails app with name project_name:
rails-setup project_name