
An HTML5/CSS3 framework used at SAPO for fast and efficient website design and prototyping

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Note about this branch

The default branch of this repository is develop. This is a development branch, which is usable and has the latest features, but is not so stable as master, our release branch. Bugfixes are to be pushed to develop, where development takes place.

This branch contains built files in the dist/ folder.

Welcome to Ink

Ink is an interface kit for quick development of web interfaces, simple to use and expand on. It uses a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript to offer modern solutions for building layouts, display common interface elements and implement interactive features that are content-centric and user friendly for both your audience and your designers & developers.

Read the full documentation here: http://ink.sapo.pt. The Ink.js documentation is in http://js.ink.sapo.pt/docs/ (note: this documentation is for the most recent release, but the development version may have additions).

Current Version: 2.3.0

This version is the end of the line for the 2.x.x series

We've improved things all over Ink, fixed a lot of bugs, added new functions, and the Carousel module. Check out the changelog to know more.

Repository branches

We have three branches on our github repository:

  • The master branch contains the latest release as its HEAD and all previous releases as tags.
  • The staging branch is a semi-stable branch containing code from the develop branch which is going to go into the next release.
  • The develop branch contains our latest code that will eventually lead to a new release and tag on master. This branch is likely to contain code that is not fully functional or documented. Use at your own risk.

To get a specific release clone the repository and use, e.g. git checkout 1.0.0.

Getting started

Let's get you started with Ink right away. Here's what you need to know and do:

  1. Download latest build.
  2. Open my-page.html if you want to serve Ink from your host or my-cdn-page.html if you want to serve Ink from our servers.
  3. Check the template we provide and remove whatever you don't feel necessary for your project.
  4. Make sure you have ink.css, ink-ie.css and ink.js included somewhere in the <head>.
  5. Add your own stylesheets and scripts to carry all your project-specific changes.
  6. Keep coming back to the documentation to help you along the way.
  7. That's it! You'll see how easy it is once you pick it up.

Installation instructions for hacking on Ink

Do this process if you'd like to build your own Ink and hack on the Ink source.

Make sure you have node installed. Then, on the root Ink folder of this repo:

[sudo] npm install -g bower grunt-cli
bower install
npm install

JavaScript modules

The Ink JavaScript modules used to be in a separate repository. Now they are in the src/js folder. Check out the README.md file inside with further information regarding those modules.

LESS Compiler

Ink requires the 1.4.2 LESS compiler version.

Legal stuff

We built Ink by standing on the shoulders of giants, following the opensource mantra. We acknowledge & credit those giants here.


If you wish to contribute with your own code, please submit your pull requests to the develop branch.


Projects using Ink

You can check out a list of projects we find around the web that are using Ink in some form here.