- If you are using windows, download Git, which will install Git Bash as well. Then open Git Bash and run following commands
In the shell run:
$ git clone https://github.com/braindotai/Custom-Shell-Command-Creator.git
$ cd Custom-Shell-Command-creator
$ chmod +x commander
$ mkdir ~/bin
$ cp commander ~/bin"
$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH":$HOME/bin"' >> .profile
Then go back to working directory
$ cd ..
Create any python file that you want to convert into a shell command, and save it. For example-
import sys
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
Save it as commandname.py
Then run $ commander <name of the python file without extention>
That is, $ commander commandname
Make sure that you are running "commander" where the that python file is saved.
Now you can simply run the command by the name of your python file
For example:
$ commandname arg1 arg2
You can delete the cloned repository if you want to.