
Simulation toolbox for Crimegraph.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Monitoring utilities for Crimegraph

Big data analytics is a disruptive technology that can reshape core tasks of security intelligence. The real-time discovery of hidden criminal patterns is an outstanding challenge for security and law enforcement agencies. In particular, predicting the evolution of criminal networks and uncovering concealed relationships can efficiently guide investigations for better decision-making.

In this context, it is necessary to develop social network metrics that are both domain-aware and ready to be executed in a data stream environment. That is why we propose two structural local metrics for link detection and prediction, together with their data stream processing implementation. The experimental results show that the proposed metrics can reach up to ??% accuracy with an average latency of ?? ms.


To execute the app locally you need the following to be installed to your system:

  • Java
  • Maven

To deploy the app to a Digital Ocean droplet, you need the following to be installed on your system:

  • Vagrant
  • Vagrant plugin for Digital Ocean
  • Ansible


The app building is provided by Apache Maven. To build the app you need to run

$crimegraph-monitor> mvn clean package


$crimegraph-monitor> source .credentials.sh

$crimegraph-monitor> vagrant up


Analyze dataset:

$crimegraph-monitor> java -jar target/crimegraph-monitor-1.0.jar analyze_dataset --dataset datasets/datagen.data

Generate random dataset:

$crimegraph-monitor> java -jar target/crimegraph-monitor-1.0.jar datagen_rnd --numNodes 20 --numLinks 100 --minWeight 1.0 --maxWeight 100.0 --output datasets/datagen.data

Generate a LCC dataset:

$crimegraph-monitor> java -jar target/crimegraph-monitor-1.0.jar datagen_lcc --dataset datasets/datagen.data --output datasets/datagen_lcc.data

Generate trainset and testset:

$crimegraph-monitor> java -jar target/crimegraph-monitor-1.0.jar traintest --mining [MINING] --dataset datasets/datagen.data --trainset datasets/datagen_train_detection.data --testset datasets/datagen_test_detection.data --testRatio 0.1

Publish dataset:

$crimegraph-monitor> java -jar target/crimegraph-monitor-1.0.jar publish --kafkaBroker [KAFKA_BROKER] --kafkaTopic [KAFKA_TOPIC] --dataset [DATASET]

Check dataset on db:

$crimegraph-monitor> java -jar target/crimegraph-monitor-1.0.jar check_dataset_db --neo4jHostname [NEO4J] --neo4jUsername [USERNAME] --neo4jPassword [PASSWORD] --dataset [DATASET] --timeout [TIMEOUT]


$crimegraph-monitor> java -jar target/crimegraph-monitor-1.0.jar evaluate --evaluation [EVAL,...,EVAL] --metric [METRIC,...,METRIC] --neo4jHostname [NEO4J] --neo4jUsername [USERNAME] --neo4jPassword [PASSWORD] --dataset [DATASET] --trainset [TRAINSET] --testset [TESTSET] --output [OUTPUT] --params [PARAMS]


Notice that you can run previous commands, also without logging into the EC2 instance. For example, if you want to run the command [MY_COMMAND arg_1 ... arg_N], you need to run:

$crimegraph-monitor> vagrant ssh -c "[MY_COMMAND arg_1 ... arg_N]"



$crimegraph-monitor> vagrant ssh -c "sudo /opt/crimegraph-monitor/check.sh"


$crimegraph-monitor> vagrant ssh -c "sudo /opt/crimegraph-monitor/datagen.sh [DATASET] [DATASETS_DIR] [TEST_RATIO,...,TEST_RATIO]"


$crimegraph-monitor> vagrant ssh -c "sudo /opt/crimegraph-monitor/publish.sh [DATASET]"


$crimegraph-monitor> vagrant ssh -c "sudo /opt/crimegraph-monitor/evaluate.sh [EVAL,..,EVAL] [METRIC,..,METRIC] [DATASET] [TRAINSET] [TESTSET] [PARAMS]"



Run the provisioning with Vagrant

$crimegraph-monitor> vagrant up

To destroy the EC2 instance:

$crimegraph-monitor> vagrant destroy


  • citations: Arxiv citations ref: http://snap.stanford.edu/data/cit-HepPh.html original: numlinks=421579, numnodes=34548 original_lcc: numlinks=146838, numnodes=26697 500_lcc: numlinks=153, numnodes=117 1000_lcc: numlinks=446, numnodes=388 5000_lcc: numlinks=1111, numnodes=891 10000_lcc: numlinks=2197, numnodes=1550

  • facebook: ref: http://snap.stanford.edu/data/higgs-twitter.html original: numlinks=88234, numnodes=4039 original_lcc: numlinks=88234, numnodes=4039 500_lcc: numlinks=500, numnodes=348 1000_lcc: numlinks=1000, numnodes=351 5000_lcc: numlinks=5000, numnodes=1724 10000_lcc: numlinks=9568, numnodes=1831

  • google: ref: http://snap.stanford.edu/data/higgs-twitter.html original: numlinks=5105035, numnodes=875713 original_lcc: 500_lcc: numlinks=103, numnodes=53 1000_lcc: numlinks=103, numnodes=53 5000_lcc: numlinks=111, numnodes=84 10000_lcc: numlinks=1650, numnodes=798

  • internet (Autonomous Systems by Skitter) internet topology ref: http://snap.stanford.edu/data/as-skitter.html original: original_lcc: 500_lcc: numlinks=500, numnodes=501 1000_lcc: numlinks=1000, numnodes=967 5000_lcc: numlinks=5000, numnodes=4967 10000_lcc: numlinks=10000, numnodes=8721

  • twitter ref: http://snap.stanford.edu/data/higgs-twitter.html original: numlinks=511473, numnodes=304691 original_lcc: numlinks=43525, numnodes=47434 500_lcc: numlinks=4, numnodes=7 1000_lcc: numlinks=20, numnodes=28 5000_lcc: numlinks=378, numnodes=413 10000_lcc: numlinks=799, numnodes=909


Giacomo Marciani, gmarciani@acm.org

Michele Porretta, mporretta@acm.org


Giacomo Marciani, Michele Porretta. 2017. Crimegraph. Series. Organization, Country Read here


The project is released under the MIT License.