
PyPi Server for test deployments of MicroPython packages

MIT LicenseMIT

Test PyPi Server

PyPi Server for test deployments of MicroPython packages


PyPi Server for testing and deploy of MicroPython packages


Install required tools


Python3 must be installed on your system. Check the current Python version with the following command

python --version
python3 --version

Depending on which command Python 3.x.y (with x.y as some numbers) is returned, use that command to proceed.

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

Docker Compose

See Install Docker Compose

docker compose version
# Docker Compose version v2.10.2


See htpasswd docs

sudo apt-get install apache2-utils



Create the required directories to store the uploaded artifacts

mkdir -p data/auth
mkdir -p data/packages

Password file

htpasswd -sc data/auth/.htpasswd upload-bot-0

New password: asdf
Re-type new password: asdf
Adding password for user upload-bot-0

pypirc file

This file is used to authenticate the client at the PyPi Server. Edit or create a ~/.pypirc file on your system with a similar content

index-servers =


repository: http://localhost:8089
username: upload-bot-0
password: asdf


Start PyPi server

Run the following command in the directory of the docker-compose.yml file

docker compose up

The PyPi server will be available on http://localhost:8089. The port 8089 is choosen as maybe other web servers or services are already running on the system and using the general default port 8080.


In order to upload an already created distribution file use this command

# if specified in pypirc file
twine upload --repository mypypiserver path/to/my-custom-package.tar.gz

# use a URL instead of a keyword
twine upload --repository http://localhost:8089 path/to/my-custom-package.tar.gz



# if specified in pypirc file
pip install 'my-custom-package==0.1.0'

# otherwise use the raw URL to the PyPi server
pip install --index-url http://localhost:8089 --trusted-host http://localhost:8089 'my-custom-package==0.1.0'


To use the PyPi server with MicroPython and it's upip package, a specialized JSON endpoint is used, which is supported by pypiserver to provide the package informations. The JSON data can be inspected at http://localhost:8089/PACKAGE_NAME/json. It contains similar data as the following example depending on the IP address running the PyPi server and of course the uploaded packages.

  "info": {
    "version": "0.2.0rc99+dev42"
  "releases": {
    "0.2.0rc99+dev42": [
        "url": ""
    "0.1.0rc1+dev1": [
        "url": ""

MicroPython will get this JSON and install either the latest version, taken specified by ['info']['version'] and then looked up in ['releases'][VERSION] or from a specific version. In either case the url value of the specified release will be used to download the archive file.

Connect to a network
import network
import upip

station = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
station.connect('SSID', 'PASSWORD')
Install latest package version

To install the latest version of the hosted my-micropython-package use this set of commands on a MicroPython board

upip.index_urls = ["http://IP-ADDRESS-OF-PYPISERVER:8089"]

Which will produce the following output on the MicroPython board

Installing my-micropython-package 0.2.0rc99+dev42 from
Install specific package version

To install a specific version of the hosted my-micropython-package use this set of commands on a MicroPython board

upip.index_urls = ["http://IP-ADDRESS-OF-PYPISERVER:8089"]

Which will produce the following output on the MicroPython board

Installing my-micropython-package 0.1.0rc1+dev1 from


Based on the [PyPiServer instructions][ref-pypiserver].