One page service written with flask and python 3.6 that allows you:
- Discover mapped folder and subfolders
- Upload files to selected folder
- Create a new folder at selected place
- Automatic transliterate russian file names
- Show used, free and total space on mapped folder
This service has docker image that can be pulled using command
docker pull rusbaron/pyfileuploader
or you can build it by yourself using command:
docker build -t pyfileuploader .
in project directory.
To run docker image use this template:
docker run --name pyfileuploader -p YOURPORT:5000 \
-v YOURPATH:/fileuploader/rootdir \
-d --restart unless-stopped rusbaron/pyfileuploader
Or you can replace rusbaron/pyfileuploader to your builded image
- Add logging actions to log file
- Implement unit test
- Integrate ci