
Convert SVGs to kicad modules/zones

Primary LanguagePython

Turn SVGs into KiCAD modules.

A brief summary of files and their purpose:

kicad.py - export to kicad file format
simplefy.py - clever maths for shapes/paths
svgextract.py - extracts info from svg
svgpath.py - path detection
svgtokicadmod.py - program to create a module
svgtokicadzone.py - program to create a kicad zone
test.svg - example svg

#To run and create a kicad module using the example svg:

`mkdir test.pretty`
`./svgtokicadmod < test.svg > test.pretty/test.kicad_mod`

To view/add module in kicad:

Tools->Edit PCB Footprints. In the new Footprint Editor window, Preferences->Manage Footprint Libraries. Hit the
+'Browse Libraries' button, then choose the directory where the library lives. Now goto PCB Layout Editor and
+select Add Footprints button, select the footprint and add away.

#Creating a new SVG

The SVG converter works by looking at layers in the SVG and using the layer name to map to the corresponding
+layer name in Kicad. The names of the layers must be as follows, with the corresponding Kicad names listed next
+to them. Please check kicad.py for more accurate info:

    "front_mask"   : "F.Mask",
    "front_silk"   : "F.SilkS",
    "front_paste"  : "F.Paste",
    "front_copper" : "F.Cu",

    "back_mask"    : "B.Mask",
    "back_silk"    : "B.SilkS",
    "back_copper"  : "B.Cu",
    "back_paste"   : "B.Paste",

    "edges"        : "Edge.Cuts",

#Known issues/caveats:

- Affine transformations have not been tested thoroughly.
- SVG path arcs are not supported yet, luckily SVG does not use them when editing paths,
  and converts them to cubic splines when you edit a path.
- When creating an svg in Inkscape, make sure the view port (in document->properties) is in mm.
- Paths must be simple paths - eg no overlapping polygons-with-holes