Tech Exercises

A collection of exercises from various places, whether that be a book, a site, a course, or just my own experiments with a particular technology.


Learning Resources

Resources Used

This is the list of training sites I am currently using.

    • they have learning paths (and they're a filter/search option)
    • pricing is reasonable @ ~$20 per month
    • is, which is a resource I've used on and off for almost 15 years
    • Currently performing a trial with their free Machine Learning Course
    • some courses can be "audited" for free
    • if you want the piece of paper, you have to pay
    • all text, no videos, making it easy to get spun up quickly on certain things
    • free and easy to use
    • geared toward total beginners - there isn't even a Docker course

Other Resources

These are other noteworthy training sites I found. I ultimately decided to not use any of them.
