Pinned issues
- 0
HTTPS proxy support
#135 opened by githubmicrob - 0
- 1
Support for Java 17
#129 opened by giri-sh - 0
- 0
"usBankAccounts" data is missing in com.braintreegateway.Customer.getPaymentMethods
#126 opened by MonchynR - 4
- 2
- 2
Last delivery unsuccessful. Invalid server response
#95 opened by Mycheers - 3
Client token generation does not raise validation error but returns null for nonexistent customers.
#119 opened by kmichalak - 2
Missing getExpirationMonth() and getExpirationYear() in PaymentMethodNonceDetails
#117 opened by jmsjr - 0
Change log
#113 opened by Mohamedmouniranwar - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Viva Sales
#109 opened by Mohamedmouniranwar - 7
- 2
Is there a way of creating webhook endpoints programmatically via the API, like in Stripe?
#107 opened by Osiris-Team - 1
RFE: Create OR Use an Existing Customer when making a with a nonce
#105 opened by jmsjr - 2
- 4
- 2
- 1
Java Sdk support native mode?
#106 opened by valeriouberti - 1
junit-vintage-engine missing testonly attribute
#101 opened by Tomanow - 0
#104 opened by MohammedJo90 - 1
- 1
- 8
- 1
Verification Amount not being observed
#96 opened by Stexxen - 1
- 1
Create discount & plan
#88 opened by tandacedric - 2
Transaction with "fake-paypal-one-time-nonce" with braintree sandbox account is getting rejected with message "Declined"
#84 opened by sumitAmble - 2
- 2
implement Serializable on API Response objects
#80 opened by Stexxen - 2
Method Transaction.getRetrievalReferenceNumber() is not available in latest Java SDK
#82 opened by jmsjr - 1
Pagination support for transaction search
#77 opened by rprasanakumar - 1
Valid card numbers available for test are declined with little descriptive error message
#76 opened by maguilar98 - 1
- 7
PayPal - PaymentMethodNonce.find()
#72 opened by GaL3n - 6
Maven failed to build this java package
#67 opened by BrianHo888 - 8
the paypal detail is not the same as the doc
#69 opened by wuxiongliu1 - 1
- 1
discountAmount returns null when a discount applied to transaction in search results
#71 opened by codeniko - 4
unable to compile project error class not found com.braintreegateway.BraintreeGateway
#68 opened by sreexamus - 2
Interactions with MerchantAccountGateway are hard to test because class is marked as final.
#64 opened by kmichalak - 2
Exception message is always null when Http status code is checked in Http#httpRequest()
#66 opened by eanmclaughlin - 1
- 2
- 2
- 9
Replace org.json with a friendly licensed JAR
#58 opened by davsclaus - 2
JSON license issue
#59 opened by lburgazzoli