
Braintree iOS Sample written in Objective C

Primary LanguageObjective-C

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Using the Braintree Client SDK for iOS (Objective C)

This is an example of the Braintree v.zero Client SDK for processing both PayPal and credit card payments in iOS applications. It comes with a minimal backened example written in Node.js that shows how to generate client tokens and how to process the payment method nonce.


This demo uses

The sample backend is written in Node.js and uses:

Running the server

  • In the server folder
    • Run npm install to install all dependencies
    • Run npm start to start the Express app

Running the mobile app (Device / Emulator)

  • In the client folder
    • Run pod install to install all dependencies.
    • Open the newly created file vzero.xcworkspace in your XCode.
    • Build the app and run it in your emulator or on your device
      • Once the app started it will try to get the client token from your backend. Ensure that your server is already running before you launch the mobile application.
    • Click on Start Payment
    • Select either of these payment methods:
      • (PayPal)
        • Fill in the following credentials:
          • Email: us-customer@commercefactory.org
          • Password: test1234
        • Click Agree to accept future payments
      • (Credit Card) Fill in the following credentials:
        • Number: 4111 1111 1111 1111
        • Expiration date: 11/15
        • CVV: 123
    • Click on Pay
    • You will see a message that says "Transaction ID: [transaction_id]"

Useful links