
My solution to Advent of Code 2022 in Lisp

Primary LanguageFennel

Advent of Code 2022 in Common Lisp Fennel

This repository contains my solutions and write ups to the Advent of Code 2022. If you haven't know it already, Advent of Code is a once in a year event taking time at the Advent calendar days where in each day you are given a single programming puzzle presented in a narrative text to solve with any programming language(s) you chose. It's free to join by anyone and you can start by registering on their site.

Why Common Lisp?

While there are many choices for me to consider for this year, namely Zig, Rust, Dart, Haskell, Lisp, and APL, I find some of them are just either don't really present anything new to me in terms of programming concept or just too state-of-the-art that I don't feel like using them outside of the context of learning. Lisp is a sweet spot for me as it presents enough programming concepts I yet to explore. It will also help me to understand WebAssembly Text format I'm currently learning which is just another Lisp-like representation of the Wasm binary.

Nevermind, I don't use Common Lisp

Fennel is easier. Might back checking Common Lisp next.