Shopsy is a single page web application inspired by Etsy. It was build with a Ruby on Rails backend and a React / Redux frontend. Check it out here
- @media queries utilized for a smooth mobile browsing experience.
- Frontend uses react-modal to render the session form.
- Passwords are not stored in the databse as strings. Shopsy utilizes
to hash and salt the passwords for secure storage.
class User < ApplicationRecord
def password=(password)
@password = password
self.password_digest = BCrypt::Password.create(password)
def is_password?(password)
- Users can easily navigate to products
- Users can create, edit and delete comments on the product show page while logged in.
- Users can search products by name and description.
- Users can add and remove products.
- This will allow users to go directly to product category via the categories nav.
- Users will be able to create and edit products via a user page.
- Product page will have detail images and a lightbox.