This repo provide the prebuild project struture for the flutter app
- For state management Getx package is used.
- Localization is added, for updating language jsons acess TranslationMessages.dartfile , In main.dart update locale param of GetMaterialApp.
- For registering singletons access locator.dart //uses get_it package for singletons.
- Checkout extensionfolder for added extension for different objects.
- Checkout helper classes provides different features ex: local_storage,haptic,file_picker etc.
- Checkout mixin folder, contains other useful features.
- theme_constant.dart contains different classes for color constants , size constants.
- constant.dart contains basic constant DT required for app.
- image_const.dart this class provide paths for the assets->images & icons
- Checkout api folder which provide service for api calls and error management
- Checkout socialLogin folder contains prebuilt signing functionality for Twitter,Facebook,Goodle,Apple.
- connectivity.dart file provide stream to mange network state //uses connectivity package to access network state
- Checkout sqlite folder to mange local database and also contains database migration functionality.
- Checkout storage_service.dart the file uses get_storage package to store date in local storage
- Checkout component this folder provide common widget which are required in an app.
- In screen folder build your screen and controller using Getx.