Script to setup a Sublime Text 3 editor for Drupal development (Mac & Linux)
The installer include plugins and settings to configure the environment in order to speed up the Drupal Development process.
- Package Control
- Git
- Git Gutter
- SideBarGit
- Bracket Highlighter
- Highlighter
- PrettyYAML
- Apply Syntax
- DocBlockr
- LiveCSS
- Goto Drupal API
- Drupal Coding Standard
- Drupal Sublime Snippets
- Drupal Sublime Config
- Goto Documentation
- Drupal Auto Complete
- SublimeLinter
- Sode Theme
- Sublime-JSLint
- Css Snippets (list of snippets)
- * MacTerminal (support to iTerm if is available.)
* = Only available for MacOSX
After save a JS file a validation is executed using JSLint, JSLint needs Node.JS/ installed on your system.
- Install Sublime Text 3 from
- git clone
- cd sublime-drupal
- chmod +x
- ./
If you already have this script installed you just need run the following command to get the latest version.
- git pull origin master
After complete this command you just need re-execute the script with the following command.
- ./
The command above will include new plugins and update your current plugins, if you have custom settings the script always create backups and you can use to restore your custom settings.
To use the Drupal Coding Standard plugin you have to install before PHP Code Sniffer , you check the installation process at
To use the Drupal Auto Complete, you need to create a SublimeProject and save the project definition at the drupal document root where index.php is located
Automatic highlight of any "non-ASCII (code point > 128) characters"
- CTRL + Shift + t: Delete the trailing spaces
- CTRL + Shift + f: Reindent selected code
- Super + Shift + a: Go to Drupal Api definition of selected function
- Super + Shift + h: Go to documentation of selected function for languages PHP/JS and others
- Super + b: Validate Drupal Code Standard in current file
- Super + Shift + e: Execute verification of errors
- Super + Shift + Option + k: Jump to previous Git modification
- Super + Shift + Option + j: Jump to next Git modification
- Super + Shift + 1: Reveal file in SideBar
- * CTRL + Command + t: Open a Termimal or iTerm2
- CTRL + Shift + y | Super + CTRL + y: Prettify YAML
* = Only available for MacOSX
Super Key stands for Command in Mac, Windows Key in Windows and CTRL in Linux
Orginally forked from