
barebones python file management system

Primary LanguagePython


barebones python file management system


Build an application to synchronise a source folder and a destination folder over IP:

  • 1.1 a simple command line client which takes one directory as argument and keeps monitoring changes in that directory and uploads any change to its server

  • 1.2 a simple server which takes one empty directory as argument and receives any change from its client

here we show 1.1 and 1.2 in action

action view parameter view

  • Bonus 1. optimise data transfer by avoiding uploading the same file multiple times

here we have bonus 1 with file hashing to check if data is already present on the server

reduce uplaod_hash

since then I added a more advanced hashing system, where the server keeps a class that monitors all the hashes present as well as all the paths that point to them, so whenever a file is uploaded we can quickly check whether that file exists on the server anywhere already, and we can copy it across instead of uploading the file again.

  • Bonus 2. optimise data transfer by avoiding uploading the same partial files (files sharing partially the same content) multiple times

This bonus was hamstrung by me using http server for my server side processing, which didn't have uploaded file parsing built in, as such my efforts to get a strong byte parsing system were held back and it didn't seem viable to get that to a good standard in the time. As such I settled for uploading strings and only handling text files, then I tried to upload diffs however this also proved difficult as difflib was creating generators that were difficult to easily post to the server. As such I have two branches, both of which attempted this issue but I cut short for the sake of being timely about finishing this task.


for ease of my development, this project was created on Windows with Pycharm community. As such you would have the easiest recreating this system under those conditions.

  • git clone this project and open it in pycharm
  • you will be prompted to create a venv from the project requirements, do this using a python interpreter preferably 3.7+ for typing.


  • go to file_server.py and edit the run configuration once the file has finished indexing.


  • choose your python interpreter if it doesn't auto fill and add a prameter with the name of the folder you want the server to monitor


  • repeat this step for file_observer.py, with the name of the local folder you want to monitor


  • create these folders.


  • to run this manually you can hit shift+f10 in file_server and observer or click the green run button.
  • when file_server runs you will be prompted to grant firewall access, do this or the server will be upsettingly silent.


  • you can now add, remove, move and rename folders and text files in the monitored dir to your hearts content!
  • there are a few integration tests that can be run in the test folder as well.


from the get go the most straightforward course of action to get something working appears to be setting up an os dependant directory listener and to use requests to post data to a server and a quick and dirty rest interface for posts that can listen to files being posted to that address.

I then started hashing files on the client and server end to check whether or not files already exist on the server, this expanded later so the server could keep a track of hashes of all the files in the servers directory

my solution ended up being a bit more barebones than I would like only handling text files and folders but this ended up being a limitation of choosing such a simple server library and not wanting to commit the time to bitwise file parsing.

improvements I would like to make

  • make unit tests for all files with mocked resources
  • figured out reading bytestreams rather than posting string file contents, then hashed chunks of files for comparing with the server for bonus 2
  • figured out posting string diffs to the server and keeping a track of the last state of a file, to greatly reduce reuploading content already present on the server
  • migrate the http server to use flask or django. this would afford better file uploading, builtin restful path parsing and security
  • functionality to update the entire directory at once, e.g. when the application launches
  • creating sessions with the server, to simplify the process of posting file hashes and then the file if needed.
  • a simple argparser for running over the command line
  • history tracking for the server, logging dumps and an object-oriented linked list of events.
  • explore file uploading with paramiko and scp
  • a hash set updater for the server on application launch
  • find an inotify library to make this definitely work observing linux filesystems as well
  • research git shas and how it handles file diffs
  • any form of state saving so the applications don't need to run constantly
  • an action queue so when the server is unavailiable events can be reattempted with exponential backoff

test results