
Angular File Model is a directive for angularjs to help you make a model for input file and you can send it to sever for next step.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Bower version

Angular File Model is a directive for angularjs to help you make a model for input file and you can send it to sever for next step.


> bower install ng-file-model --save


on application : angular.module("myApp", ["ng-file-model"])

on html : <input type="file" ng-file-model="testFile" />

Result :

    "lastModified": 1438583972000,
    "lastModifiedDate": "2015-08-03T06:39:32.000Z",
    "name": "gitignore_global.txt",
    "size": 236,
    "type": "text/plain",
    "data": "data:text/plain;base64,DQojaWdub3JlIHRodW1ibmFpbHMgY3JlYXRlZCBieSB3aW5kb3dz…xoDQoqLmJhaw0KKi5jYWNoZQ0KKi5pbGsNCioubG9nDQoqLmRsbA0KKi5saWINCiouc2JyDQo="

Created By Mistral Works | 2015