
Tool to create "Picasa facemovies"

Primary LanguagePython


This project aims to produce videos in the style of "picasa face movie". Example (generated by picasa) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLQtssJDMMc


  1. Create a python environment (or don't, you do you)

    python -mvenv env . env/bin/activate

  2. Install dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Run the gui to select images and faces. When you're done, save your project. It's a json file but the extension doesn't matter.

    python gui.py

CLI usage

When you have a project file, you can generate the movie from the command line.

python generate_movie.py <project.json> movie.mov

possible improvements:


  • Work around the possible mismatches between faces detected by mediapipe and face_recognition libraries
  • GUI: allow adding single image
  • GUI: allow removing single image
  • GUI: allow reordering images

ux improvement

  • Action buttons with icons
  • menu bar

Movie improvements

  • Sometimes the oriented image eyes are not exactly horizontal. Debug and fix this
  • Allow picking the eye target location


  • Packaging
  • Choose a non-generic file extension for project files
  • Improve CLI: allow overwriting settings from project json