
Terraform deploy a local folder to a Google Cloud Function that can be triggered via an Event

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

Terraform Google Cloud Platform Event Cloud Function

Terraform deploy a local folder to a Google Cloud Function that can be triggered using an Event

Basic Usage

# Create a Storage Bucket to store the Cloud Functions in
resource "google_storage_bucket" "cloudfunctions_bucket" {
  name     = "myproject-cloud-functions"
  location = "europe-west3"

# Create a cloud function named `hello-world`
module "cloudfunction--hello-world" {
  source          = "github.com/bramus/terraform-gcloud-event-cloud-function"
  bucket_name     = google_storage_bucket.cloudfunctions_bucket.name
  name            = "hello-world"
  event_resource  = "projects/my-project/topics/my-topic"

The module terraform-gcloud-event-cloud-function will:

  1. Zip up the contents of the ./cloudfunctions/hello-world folder
  2. Store the hello-world.zip file as an object into the bucket
  3. Create the Cloud Function, linking to the hello-world.zip object in the bucket
  4. Configure the Cloud Function to be invoked whenever a Pub/Sub message gets published on the "projects/my-project/topics/my-topic" Topic


Required Variables

  • bucket_name: Name of GCS bucket to use to store the Cloud Functions their contents on.
  • name: Name of the cloud function
  • event_resource: The name or partial URI of the resource from which to observe events. For example, "myBucket" or "projects/my-project/topics/my-topic"

Optional Variables and their defaults

Extended Example (Overriding the defaults)

# Create a Storage Bucket to store the Cloud Functions in
resource "google_storage_bucket" "cloudfunctions_bucket" {
  name     = "myproject-cloud-functions"
  location = "europe-west3"

# Create a cloud function named `postprocess-bucket-upload`
module "cloudfunction--postprocess-bucket-upload" {
  source                 = "github.com/bramus/terraform-gcloud-event-cloud-function"
  bucket_name            = google_storage_bucket.cloudfunctions_bucket.name
  event_trigger          = "google.storage.object.finalize"
  event_resource         = "name-of-some-bucket-to-watch"
  name                   = "postprocess-bucket-upload"
  source_dir             = "./functions/postprocess-bucket-upload/src"
  runtime                = "php74"
  entry_point            = "postprocessbucketuploadPubsub"
  available_memory_mb    = 256
  timeout                = 120
  service_account_email  = "cloud-function-invoker@project.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
  vpc_connector          = "vpc-access-connector-name"
  max_instances          = 200


terraform-gcloud-event-cloud-function is released under the MIT License. See the enclosed LICENSE file for details.