
A Udemy downloader that can download DRM protected videos and non-DRM protected videos.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Udemy Downloader with DRM support

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Utility script to download Udemy courses, has support for DRM videos but requires the user to aquire the decryption key (for legal reasons).
Windows is the primary development OS, but I've made an effort to support Linux also (Mac untested).


The following are a list of required third-party tools, you will need to ensure they are in your systems path and that typing their name in a terminal invokes them.

Note: These are seperate requirements that are not installed with the pip command! You will need to download and install these manually!

  • ffmpeg - This tool is also available in Linux package repositories
  • aria2/aria2c - This tool is also available in Linux package repositories
  • shaka-packager (truedread fork)
  • yt-dlp - This tool is also available in Linux package repositories, but can also be installed using pip if desired (pip install yt-dlp)


quick and dirty how-to

You will need to get a few things before you can use this program:

  • Decryption Key ID
  • Decryption Key
  • Udemy Course URL
  • Udemy Bearer Token (aka acccess token for udemy-dl users)
  • Udemy cookies (only required for subscription plans - see Udemy Subscription Plans)

Setting up

  • rename .env.sample to .env (you only need to do this if you plan to use the .env file to store your bearer token)
  • rename keyfile.example.json to keyfile.json

Aquire Bearer Token

  • Firefox: Udemy-DL Guide
  • Chrome: Udemy-DL Guide
  • If you want to use the .env file to store your Bearer Token, edit the .env and add your token.

Key ID and Key

It is up to you to aquire the key and key ID. Please DO NOT ask me for help acquiring these, decrypting DRM protected content can be considered piracy. The tool required for this has already been discused in a GitHub issue.

  • Enter the key and key id in the keyfile.json
  • keyfile example
  • example key and kid from console

Start Downloading

You can now run the program, see the examples below. The course will download to out_dir.

Udemy Subscription Plans

To download a course included in a subscription plan that you did not purchase individually, you will need to follow a few more steps to get setup.

NOTE: You do NOT need to follow this section if you don't have a Udemy Pro or Udemy Personal subscription plan! This section is not for individually purchased courses.

Getting your cookies

  • Go to the page of the course you want to download
  • press control + shift + i (this may be different depending on your OS, just google how to open developer tools)
  • click the Console tab
  • copy and paste document.cookie and press enter
  • copy the text between the quotes

Setup cookie file

  • Create a file called cookies.txt in the same folder as main.py
  • Paste the cookie into the file
  • save and close the file

You will also need to ensure the link is in the following format: https://www.udemy.com/course/<course name>/learn/.

Note the link is /course not /program-taking. It is also important that the link has /learn, otherwise you will see an error when trying to fetch the course information.

Advanced Usage

usage: main.py [-h] -c COURSE_URL [-b BEARER_TOKEN] [-q QUALITY] [-l LANG] [-cd CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS] [--disable-ipv6] [--skip-lectures] [--download-assets] [--download-captions]
               [--keep-vtt] [--skip-hls] [--info] [--id-as-course-name] [--save-to-file] [--load-from-file] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [-v]

Udemy Downloader

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c COURSE_URL, --course-url COURSE_URL
                        The URL of the course to download
                        The Bearer token to use
  -q QUALITY, --quality QUALITY
                        Download specific video quality. If the requested quality isn't available, the closest quality will be used. If not specified, the best quality will be downloaded
                        for each lecture
  -l LANG, --lang LANG  The language to download for captions, specify 'all' to download all captions (Default is 'en')
                        The number of maximum concurrent downloads for segments (HLS and DASH, must be a number 1-30)
  --disable-ipv6        If specified, ipv6 will be disabled in aria2
  --skip-lectures       If specified, lectures won't be downloaded
  --download-assets     If specified, lecture assets will be downloaded
  --download-captions   If specified, captions will be downloaded
  --keep-vtt            If specified, .vtt files won't be removed
  --skip-hls            If specified, hls streams will be skipped (faster fetching) (hls streams usually contain 1080p quality for non-drm lectures)
  --info                If specified, only course information will be printed, nothing will be downloaded
  --id-as-course-name   If specified, the course id will be used in place of the course name for the output directory. This is a 'hack' to reduce the path length
  --save-to-file        If specified, course content will be saved to a file that can be loaded later with --load-from-file, this can reduce processing time (Note that asset links expire
                        after a certain amount of time)
  --load-from-file      If specified, course content will be loaded from a previously saved file with --save-to-file, this can reduce processing time (Note that asset links expire after a
                        certain amount of time)
  --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Logging level: one of DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, WARNING, CRITICAL (Default is INFO)
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  • Passing a Bearer Token and Course ID as an argument
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> -b <Bearer Token>
    • python main.py -c https://www.udemy.com/courses/myawesomecourse -b <Bearer Token>
  • Download a specific quality
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> -q 720
  • Download assets along with lectures
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --download-assets
  • Download assets and specify a quality
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> -q 360 --download-assets
  • Download captions (Defaults to English)
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --download-captions
  • Download captions with specific language
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --download-captions -l en - English subtitles
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --download-captions -l es - Spanish subtitles
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --download-captions -l it - Italian subtitles
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --download-captions -l pl - Polish Subtitles
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --download-captions -l all - Downloads all subtitles
    • etc
  • Skip downloading lecture videos
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --skip-lectures --download-captions - Downloads only captions
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --skip-lectures --download-assets - Downloads only assets
  • Keep .VTT caption files:
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --download-captions --keep-vtt
  • Skip parsing HLS Streams (HLS streams usually contain 1080p quality for Non-DRM lectures):
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --skip-hls
  • Print course information only:
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --info
  • Specify max number of concurrent downloads:
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --concurrent-downloads 20
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> -cd 20
  • Cache course information:
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --save-to-file
  • Load course cache:
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --load-from-file
  • Change logging level:
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --log-level DEBUG
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --log-level WARNING
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --log-level INFO
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --log-level CRITICAL
  • Use course ID as the course name:
    • python main.py -c <Course URL> --id-as-course-name

If you encounter errors while downloading such as

errorCode=1 Network problem has occurred. cause:Unknown socket error 10051 (0x2743)


errorCode=1 Network problem has occurred. cause:A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network.

Then try disabling ipv6 in aria2 using the --disable-ipv6 option


if you want help using the program, join my Discord server or use GitHub Issues



All code is licensed under the MIT license

and finally, donations!

Woo, you made it this far!

I spend a lot of time coding things, and almost all of them are for nothing in return. When theres a lot of use of a program I make, I try to keep it updated, fix bugs, and even implement new features! But after a while, I do run out of motivation to keep doing it. If you like my work, and can help me out even a little, it would really help me out. If you are interested, you can find all the available options here. Even if you don't, thank you anyways!