
postgresql + postgis + pgrouting + nodejs + OSM

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Routing on Openstreetmap !

Demo : http://routingonosm-brandboat.rhcloud.com/

Environment :

  • os: Ubuntu 12.04
  • nodejs: 0.10
  • postgresql: 9.1
  • pgrouting: 9.1 (based on postgresql)
  • postGIS: 2.0

How to use :

  1. install nodejs 0.10 , postgresql9.1, postGIS2.0, pgrouting
  2. psql -U username -d dbname
  3. CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
  4. CREATE EXTENSION pgrouting;
  5. download map data from openstreetmap
  6. osm2pgrouting -file "sampledata.osm"
    -conf "/usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig.xml"
    -dbname DBNAME
    -user USERNAMWE
  7. node server.js

for further information, please go to : http://brandboat.github.io/blog/2014/08/16/Routing_on_OSM/ (Chinese)