JavaScript Assessment

For this assignment, we'll be working with an Instagram-style domain. We have two models - Image and Comment. For our purposes, an Image has many Comments, and a Comment belongs to an Image.


  • Class vs Instance methods in ES6
  • Object Relationships
  • DOM manipulation with jQuery or vanilla JS
  • Event Listeners


Your goal is to build out all of the methods listed in the deliverables. Do your best to follow JavaScript best practices.

To run your html:

  • Inside your cloned down folder, in terminal, type pwd to get your full file path. Copy and paste that path into your browser url and include /index.html to the end of that path.

To Submit - once you've completed all the deliverables, please copy/paste your three class definitions into the solution.js file. Please don't submit the lab until we give you the signal.


Build out the following methods on the CommentsController class (Use ES6 syntax)

  • CommentsController.prototype.addCommentFormListener()
    • iterates through each comment form and adds an eventlistener to trigger a function on form submit
    • function should grab the imageId + comment and create a new Comment with those arguments
    • execute the render function on that found image object to append the new comment
  • CommentsController.prototype.render(commentObject)
    • selects the appropriate ul for this comment to be added to
    • appends the new comment element to this ul
    • Don't try to copy the ImagesController.render function because that is implemented differently

Build the following on the comment class model (Use ES6 syntax)

  • new Comment(comment, imageId)
    • should initialize with an id, image object (findImage) and commentContent (the actual text of the comment)
    • should save new comment to Comment.all property
  • Comment.all
    • should return all of the comment objects in an array
    • a property of the Comment class
  • Comment.prototype.findImage(imageId)
    • given an int for an image id, returns the image object with that id
    • before return - adds current comment to image's comments property
  • Comment.prototype.commentEl()
    • returns a string of html
      • html has an li tag with an id field and shows the comment

NOTE: All of the above will be tested thoroughly, so make sure your associations are working properly!