
Scripts and whatnot for testing a DNS-over-TLS upstream

Primary LanguageShell

DNS-over-TLS Sandbox

The purpose of this repo is to simplify the process of getting DNS-over-TLS set up using the built-in images in the cluster-dns-operator.


Note: You must be logged into an OpenShift cluster before running setup.sh

Running ./setup.sh will...

  1. Create the certificates
  2. Create the Configmap that holds the Corefile, server-cert.pem, server-key.pem, and ca-cert.pem values
  3. Create the upstream service and upstream pod. This uses the Template type to ensure that everything we pass in is consistent.

This script will also create a service signed by the service-signer on the cluster that can be used to simulate connecting to a third party DNS resolver.


To validate that the upstream resolver is running with TLS enabled, do the following:

  1. oc rsh openssl-client
  2. openssl s_client -connect upstream-tls:5353 -servername upstream-tls

Optionally, you can pass -CAfile /tmp/ca-cert.pem to validate that the server cert of the upstream was signed by the CA cert on the client.