

The code is entered through When run, it will create a DataSet_Builder object which essentially does the preprocessing on the data and can build a DataSet object which runs the machine learning methods. Results are saved to a json file for later viewing.

Runing the Code

Run the code using

python3 <dataset-level_params>.json <grid_search_params>.json

  • For example, one could run:

    python3 singleparam.json singleannparam.json

  • To get the dataset-level param results, we used:

    python3 params1.json singleannparam.json

  • To get the grid search results, use

    python3 params.json ann_params.json

    Note that in order to break up the results, we actually ran several different files called ann_params_*.json

These json files are constructed using (more notes below) and contain a list of dictionaries. The dictionaries contain the parameter values used to construct the DataSet and run the models.

Relevant Files

Here's a list of current files/folders that are relevant.

    +-- *.json
    +-- gridsearch.ps1
    +-- _data
    |   +-- site*.pkl
    |   +-- (data.pkl)
    |   +-- info.txt
    |   +-- merged.csv
    |   +--
    +-- _results
    |   +-- _dataset-level_params
    |   +-- _grid_searches

We will not cover a full list of attributes here, but more information about each of the code files can be found in the files.

  • contains the DataSet class with these and other attributes:
    • impute_inputs(): takes in a future date and makes an estimation of the "X" input matrix values for that date by averaging values from that day and surrounding days from previous years
    • run_OLS(): runs the OLS functions and stores results
    • run_ANN(): runs the ANN functions and stores results
    • run_TSNN(): runs the TSNN functions and stores results
  • contains the DataSet_Builder class with these and other attributes:
    • clean_df(): drops rows with NaN or -99.9 values
    • format_date(): converts to cylindrical representation of dates
    • use_rect_radius(): reduces number of sites by rectangular radius
    • use_pca(): uses PCA to reduce number of features
    • remove_outliers(): uses IsolationForest to remove outliers
    • scale_data(): min-max scales data from 0 to 1
    • build_dataset(): builds a DataSet object
  • is the main function to run, uses a DataSet_Builder object to build a DataSet object, runs ML methods, and save results
  • *.json: several files used as inputs to
  • gridsearch.ps1: the final code was run on Windows, so this is a Windows PowerShell script that basically just runs with different command line arguments
  • is a standalone script that scrapes the website for data
    • gets each site from SITEDICT
    • each year from 1980 to 2019
  • is a standalone script that uses lists and for loops to build a list of dictionaries of parameter combinations, both for dataset-level parameters and for neural net parameters used by the grid search. The json files it saves can be used as command line arguments for
  • contains functions that compute the OLS and make a prediction
  • contains functions that create a FFNN model, train it, and make a prediction
  • contains functions that train a time series recurrent neural net and make predictions for the next four weeks.
  • data folder
    • site*.pkl: these are individual pickles for each site (all years)
    • data.pkl: overall data pickle
      • only appears after constructing DataSet object
      • is over 100 MB, so it's in the gitignore
    • info.txt: site info, including, number, name, latitude, longitude
    • merged.csv: csv file of all data
      • currently ordered by date then site
      • note that the data is rather sparse
      • if you make changes, delete data.pkl (which will regenerate)
    • uses info.txt to build a dictionary SITEDICT of sites
  • results folder
    • dataset-level_params folder: contains graphs and a json file of results for various combinations of dataset-level parameters, used to determine the optimal dataset-level parameters. The folder also contains an INFO.txt file with more information
    • grid_search_params folder: contains multiple subfolders with graphs and result json files that make up the grid search. The folder contains an INFO.txt file that has more information.