
Python-based CLI for manipulating data on an AT28C64B Parallel EEPROM :floppy_disk:

Primary LanguagePython


A simple python-based CLI for manipulating data on an AT28C64B parallel EEPROM using a Raspberry Pi. This tool can be used to write data, inspect data, and test the READ/WRITE capabilities of the EEPROM.

Currently, this script is only able to read and write from addresses 0 to 255 (A0-A7), since these are the only addresses I needed to manipulate. I encourage anyone extend this script to fully address all 13 address lines 😍

Raspberry Pi Wiring

The table below represents the wiring configuration. Be sure to double check this wiring; wiring the EEPROM incorrectly could damage the chip. This pin configuration was chosen to simplify wiring, but you can easily adjust this to your needs by modifying the script.

GPIO Pin Number AT28C64B Pin Number Pin Description
31 A0 Address pin 0.
29 A1 Address pin 1.
23 A2 Address pin 2.
21 A3 Address pin 3.
7 A4 Address pin 4.
15 A5 Address pin 5.
13 A6 Address pin 6.
11 A7 Address pin 7.
33 IO0 Input/Output pin 0.
35 IO1 Input/Output pin 1.
37 IO2 Input/Output pin 2.
40 IO3 Input/Output pin 3.
16 IO4 Input/Output pin 4.
36 IO5 Input/Output pin 5.
32 IO6 Input/Output pin 6.
26 IO7 Input/Output pin 7.
18 WE Active LOW write enable signal.
22 OE Active LOW output enable signal.
24 CE Active LOW chip enable signal.

Be sure to connect Vcc and GND pins, too.


Basic Usage

Usage: eeprom-loader.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  dump  Inspect binary data from addresses 0 to 255.
  load  Write 256 bytes of data to the EEPROM.
  test  Perform a self test to ensure that the EEPROM can be written to and...


Usage: eeprom-loader.py load [OPTIONS]

  Write 256 bytes of data to the EEPROM.

  -f, --file FILENAME  read from a file (default: -)
  --help               Show this message and exit.


Usage: eeprom-loader.py dump [OPTIONS]

  Inspect binary data from addresses 0 to 255.

  -f, --file FILENAME             write to a file (default: -)
  -b, --binary / -B, --no-binary  write binary data (no pretty print)
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Usage: eeprom-loader.py test [OPTIONS]

  Perform a self test to ensure that the EEPROM can be written to and read

  --help  Show this message and exit.

Improvement Ideas

If you're looking for something to work on, here are some ideas:

  • There's no easy way to modify pin configuration (without modifying the code, of course). It would be great if there was some kind of external configuration file that could define this mapping.
  • Only A0-A7 are used. We should extend this to the full A0-A12.