
Project 2 for Object Oriented Programming (Workout Uno)

Primary LanguageJava


Initial Project Description Project 2: NOT ALLOWED: -Abstract Data Types *Queues *Stacks *Lists -Prebuilt Data Structures included in Java *Linked Lists, etc. ^(any Data Structures we want to use, we must implement from scratch)

POTENTIAL CLASSES NEEDED(*Attributes of each):
		*will execute the majority of the code, will include implementations of Deck, Hand, and Card
		*number of cards in deck
		*number of cards in an uno deck is 108
			^every card is repeated once with exceptions
			^every color has only one Zero card
			^four wild cards and four wild draw 4 cards
		*Type(ex. Blue,Red,Wild)
		*Face Value(#, Skip, +4, etc.)
		*MaxCards = 7
	-Every class must be in its own file
		*due to the nature of the classes, the Card class will need to be created first
		 as it will be used in both the Deck and Hand classes
	-Output will be a HTML file
		*Once the program finishes executing
		*Every time a hand is drawn
			^the interpretation of the cards in the hand
			^total number of repetitions per exercise to be done in the round post-rules
			^number of cards left in the pile
	-Any class they are assigned
		*this includes creating the UML diagram for any classes created
		*also includes writing test cases and relevant comments for any classes written
		*acknowledge collaboration on any classes inside header comments
	-Merging changes onto master branch on github