Helpful information for getting Selenium Running:

Including the ChromeDriver location in MacOS System PATH.

  • Important note about ChromeDriver. Depending on your OS and how often you update your Chrome browser, your version may not match what is included with this repo. Due to the rapid release of Chrome, it is likely that this repo will fall out of sync at times. Please keep this in mind as you debug any initial problems with getting this process running.

Selenium 101

  • The first 20 minutes of this is all that you'll need to get up and running. This is slow and tedious, including installation of Node and VSCode, so you may be able so skip a large amount of this.

A recommended video from a past student: Selenium Python Tutorial - How to install Chrome Driver on Mac OSX

  • While many of these will say "Python" in the description, the material is still helpful for debugging your work.

Related to the updating of ChromeDriver and Chrome browser, this video may be helpful if you see the message: Selenium fix: SessionNotCreated "this version only supports Chrome version"