=SQL Anywhere ActiveRecord Driver This is a SQL Anywhere driver for Ruby ActiveRecord. This driver requires the native SQL Anywhere Ruby driver. To get the native driver, use: gem install sqlanywhere This driver is designed for use with ActiveRecord 3.0.3 and greater. This driver is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. ==Making a Connection The following code is a sample database configuration object. ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = { 'arunit' => { :adapter => 'sqlanywhere', :database => 'arunit', #equivalent to the "DatabaseName" parameter :server => 'arunit', #equivalent to the "ServerName" parameter :username => 'dba', #equivalent to the "UserID" parameter :password => 'sql', #equivalent to the "Password" parameter :encoding => 'Windows-1252', #equivalent to the "CharSet" parameter :commlinks => 'TCPIP()', #equivalent to the "Commlinks" parameter :connection_name => 'Rails' #equivalent to the "ConnectionName" parameter } ==Running the ActiveRecord Unit Test Suite 1. Open <tt><ACTIVERECORD_INSTALL_DIR>/rakefile</tt> and modify the line: for adapter in %w( mysql postgresql sqlite sqlite3 firebird db2 oracle sybase openbase frontbase ) to include <tt>sqlanywhere</tt>. It should now look like: for adapter in %w( mysql postgresql sqlite sqlite3 firebird db2 oracle sybase openbase frontbase sqlanywhere ) 2. Create directory to hold the connection definition: mkdir <ACTIVERECORD_INSTALL_DIR>/test/connections/native_sqlanywhere 3. Copy <tt>test/connection.rb</tt> into the newly created directory. 4. Create the two test databases. These can be created in any directory. dbinit -c arunit dbinit -c arunit2 dbsrv11 arunit arunit2 <b>If the commands cannot be found, make sure you have set up the SQL Anywhere environment variables correctly.</b> For more information review the online documentation here[http://dcx.sybase.com/index.php#http%3A%2F%2Fdcx.sybase.com%2F1100en%2Fdbadmin_en11%2Fda-envvar-sect1-3672410.html]. 6. Run the unit test suite from the ActiveRecord install directory: rake test_sqlanywhere <b>If the migration tests fail, make sure you have set up the SQL Anywhere environment variables correctly.</b> For more information review the online documentation here[http://dcx.sybase.com/index.php#http%3A%2F%2Fdcx.sybase.com%2F1100en%2Fdbadmin_en11%2Fda-envvar-sect1-3672410.html].
An adapter that allows ActiveRecord to communicate with SQL Anywhere