
A project for storing git hooks

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

A set of useful git hooks

These hooks automate some tasks with the help of git.


git clone git@github.com:greg0ire/git_template.git ~/.git_template


Set the newly cloned repo as your git template directory. This will tell git to populate new repositories created with either git clone or git init with the content of this directory. By default, it uses /usr/share/git-core/templates.

git config --global init.templatedir '~/.git_template'

What's inside ?

For the moment, mostly hooks related to tools from the php ecosystem.

Exuberant Ctags hooks

Updates .git/tags file by scanning the project with the ctags command. It is configured for a php project. To make vim look for this file in the .git directory, you can install Tim Pope's fugitive or simply add set tags+=.git/tags to your .vimrc - some plugins (like ctrlp-tjump) require this to see the tags even if fugitive is installed.

Enable it :

git config --add hooks.enabled-plugins php/ctags

Also, you can specify which kinds of tags ctags should create:

git config hooks.php-ctags.tag-kinds cdfiv

Default value is cfi. Execute ctags --list-kinds if you want to see which tag kinds are available.

Optionally, you can set the projectType configuration, like this

git config hooks.php-ctags.project-type projectType

Supported project types :

  • symfony1
  • symfony2

This will make ctags ignore cache directories.

If you want improved PHP languages support, install the patched version of ctags support.

Occurs on post-checkout, post-commit, and post-merge.

Composer hooks

This set of scripts monitors composer.lock changes and updates (or reminds you to update) your vendor dependencies on post-checkout and post-merge. Additionally, it checks composer.json for validity on pre-commit. It assumes Composer is globally installed.

You must tell it whether you wish it to run Composer, or if you would rather it to notify you when you need to do it:

# If you want Composer to run each time composer.lock changes
git config hooks.composer.onChange run

# If you prefer to get a notification
git config hooks.composer.onChange just_warn

If the latter case, you must configure a notifier. Available notifiers for the moment are echo and notify-send. So to use notify-send, which is pretty cool, you need to do this (here, globally) :

git config --global hooks.notification.notifier notify-send

Enable it :

git config --add hooks.enabled-plugins php/composer

Sismo hook

The post-commit hook makes Sismo run each time you commit. It is a post-commit hook because Sismo is a local Continuous Testing Server, which means you can build before you push, thus making sure no failing build ever comes out of your repo.

You must configure the path to the sismo executable, and you may do so globally, like this:

git config --global --add hooks.php-sismo.path /usr/share/nginx/html/sismo.php

You must also configure the slug of your project:

git config hooks.php-sismo.slug my-slug

Enable it :

git config --add hooks.enabled-plugins php/sismo

Doctrine hooks

These hooks run the doctrine:schema:validate task of a Symfony project and update / migrate your database depending on the presence of a doctrine-migrations folder in your vendor directory on post-checkout and post-commit.

Enable it :

git config --add hooks.enabled-plugins php/doctrine

Junk checker hook

Checks for user defined phrases that you don't want to commit to your repository, such as var_dump(), console.log() etc. on pre-commit.

This can be overridden by doing a:

git commit --no-verify

This hook is language-agnostic.

You must configure the phrasesfile option for this hook . The value is the name of a file that contains one forbidden phrase per line. There is a sample, you can use it like this :

git config [--global] hooks.junkchecker.phrasesfile .git/hooks/junkchecker/junk-phrases.sample

Enable it :

git config --add hooks.enabled-plugins junkchecker

Work In Progress checker hook

Checks for commit messages starting with "WIP" and prevents you from pushing the corresponding commits. Occurs on pre-push (obviously).

This can be ignored with an option :

git push --no-verify

This hook is language-agnostic.

Enable it :

git config --add hooks.enabled-plugins wipchecker

Syntax checker hook

Checks for syntax errors in files that have a checker, based on the file extension. For the moment, there only is a php checker, located at hooks/syntaxchecker/php/check.sh.

This hook is language-agnostic.

git config --add hooks.enabled-plugins syntaxchecker


For dummies

Just run the configuration script. From your repository root, run


The script will help you configure some scripts that shouldn't be configured globally.

Manual configuration

By default, no hook will run. You must configure the hooks you need:

git config hooks.enabled-plugins php/composer
git config --add hooks.enabled-plugins php/ctags
git config --add hooks.enabled-plugins junkchecker

The --add flag is necessary if you don't want to wipe out previously added plugins.

If you want to enable a plugin on every project, use the --global option:

git config --global --add hooks.enabled-plugins some_plugin


To get updates you need to update your template directory first :

# Go to your template directory (probably ~/.git_template)
cd $(git config --path --get init.templatedir)
git pull

Then, you can update any repository by running this in the working tree of your repository :

$(git config --path --get init.templatedir)/update.sh
# If your template directory is ~/.git_template, this is equivalent to :

Make sure you have rsync installed.

Setup on existing projects

You can also run the update script from a project created before your switch to git_template, but be aware that any hook you created yourself will be deleted.




Inspired by Tim Pope