
A collection of tools that could be bash scripts, but what's the fun in that?

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A collection of tools that interact with git repositories.



Running git-tools clean-merged-branches in a git repository directory will delete any branches or worktrees that are merged into the main or master branch.


If you are going to use this tool, please make sure you understand how it works. I do not assume any resposibility if an unexpected branch or worktree are deleted.


  • Removing a worktree should also delete the related branch. This should work for worktrees that have paths which don't match their branch name as well.
  • When parsing git worktree --list, use the whole path instead of just the relative path.
  • Add a "dry run" mode so that you can see what will be deleted
  • Remove as many object duplications (clone()/to_owned()) as possible
  • Fix CI -- git checkout/git commit don't seem to work correctly, so the dummy repos don't get setup correctly
    • This was caused by git not having a user.name and user.email set, so commits couldn't be created in tests.
  • Allow the tools to run on Windows. Right now, the / character is hard-coded as the directory separator.