
This plugin provides "just in time" installation of null-ls sources. This is just a fancy way of saying "sources are not installed until you are ready to use them".

Installation and setup

The plugin expects you to provide a specific a list of sources you would like to install based on the current buffer's filetype. If you do not provide this list, initialization will no-op.

I use lazy.nvim, so that is the example I'm adding. I will happily accept pull requests adding more examples.


  dependencies = {
  opts = {
    sources = {
      eslint_d = { "javascript", "javascriptreact", "typescript", "typescriptreact" },
      stylua = { "lua" },


The plugin has a setup() function which should be called with a list of sources. Sources can be specified in two ways:

  sources = {


  sources = {
    typos = { "markdown" }

These two methods of specification can be mixed, as seen in the lazy.nvim setup example above.

"string" sources

Sources specified using a simple string will be installed immediately. This is no different than providing the same source to mason-null-ls's ensure_installed option.

{ "table" } sources

Sources specified using a table should have the source name as the key and a list of applicable filetypes as the value. When a buffer matching one of the listed filetypes is opened, the source will be installed if it wasn't already.


Mason-based tools provide a setting called ensure_installed, which installs tooling as soon as neovim is opened. This doesn't solve my problem, which is that I don't want to install tools until I actually need them. I work on a lot of development servers that are spun up and thrown away quickly, so installing a bunch of tools that will not be used is a waste of time. Conversely, removing my ensure_installed setting causes me to forget to install the tools that I do need.