
Ultisnips is great, but lacks a nice way to create a snippet from existing content. I was using coc-snippets for a while, which added this functionality.

I had to stop using coc-snippets because of its lack of python support in snippets, and I missed the refactor functionality. I built as close to the same functionality as I could, and created this plugin from it.


Add to your vim plugin manager:

Plug 'brandoncc/ultisnips-refactor.vim'

Add a mapping to <Plug>ultisnips-refactor. I like the mnemonic "sc" for "snippet create":

xmap <Leader>sc <Plug>ultisnips-refactor


By default, snippet documentation is added to the top of any new *.snippets file. If you would like to disable this feature, use g:ultisnips_refactor_no_documentation:

let g:ultisnips_refactor_no_documentation = 1


The amazing documentation that is added to the top of new snippet files came from the coc-snippets plugin. Thank you @neoclide!


Feel free to open an issue if you have any feedback on the plugin. If you would like to contribute code, please create a pull request.
