
Template project to create Discord bots with Docker and Java

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Discord Java Docker Bot

Template project to create Discord bots with Docker and Java

release github-docker github-sonar sonar-gate licence

How to useVariablesLicence

How to use

Use with docker-compose

  1. Change variables in application.properties file

  2. Use command docker-compose up

Use with docker run

Command docker run IMAGE -e BOT_TOKEN=TOKEN ...

with -e the variables

Use with java

  1. Compile mvn clean package
  2. Run java -jar target/bot.war with variables

Use with tomcat

  1. Compile mvn clean package and get the war file in targetfolder
  2. Config the config file of your bot CATALINA-HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/bot.xml with variables
  3. Deploy the war CATALINA-HOME/webapps/bot.war


Key Description Default
LOG_FILE Location of log file ./log/bot.log
BOT_TOKEN Token of the Discord bot None - required
DB_USERNAME The username used for your database bot - required
DB_PASSWORD The password used for your database bot - required
DB_HOST Where your database is hosted bot-mysql - required
DB_PORT The port of your database 3306
DB_NAME The name of the table bot - required
DB_TIMEZONE The timezone used UTC


Project under MIT licence