
Discord bot using VirusTotal API to check if the content of messages sent by discord users is safe

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Discord bot using VirusTotal API to check if the content of messages sent by discord users is safe

release docker-hub CodeQL sonar-gate licence

How to useVariablesLicence

How to use

Use with docker run

Command docker run IMAGE -e BOT_TOKEN=TOKEN ...

with -e the variables

Use with java

  1. Compile mvn clean package
  2. Run java -jar target/bot.war with variables

Use with tomcat

  1. Compile mvn clean package and get the war file in targetfolder
  2. Config the config file of your bot CATALINA-HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/bot.xml with variables
  3. Deploy the war CATALINA-HOME/webapps/bot.war


Key Description Default
LOG_FILE Location of log file ./log/bot.log
BOT_TOKEN Token of the Discord bot None - required
VIRUS_TOTAL_TOKEN Token of the VirusTotal API None - required
VIRUS_TOTAL_MAX_POSITIVE_SCORE_FOR_BLACKLIST Max number of positive score to backlist the url. More the positive score is high, more the url represents a risk. 3
DB_USERNAME The username used for your database bot
DB_PASSWORD The password used for your database bot
DB_FILE-PATH Where your database files are stored ./data/discordvirustotal
DB_NAME The name of the table bot


Project under MIT licence