Hi there Nice to e-meet you, I am Kanisk, a Toronto based Software Engineer working at Wave.
Apart from career and academic focused side of things, I also:
🎸 play a couple of instruments and try to wrap my head around🎧 music production,🎨 enjoy sketching/drawing things I find cool or interesting,🧠 and also like to dabble in the study of psychology, attempting to understand the complex nature of the human mind.
I am passionate about mental health and try to do my part whenever I can in order to reduce the stigma 🙌🏻
Feel free to reach out for a chat, discussion or anything else in between via e-mail or Linked-In.
You can also find me on Discord as kan#0979
, where I founded, and manage Centennial Social - a virtual club for students geared towards navigating coursework and social-life through the pandemic!