
Excel Script for EIN4354 Formulas

Primary LanguageVisual Basic


Excel script to allow easy calculation of economic formulas.

Function Syntax

Please put functions in the following example syntax:

Formula: F = P(1+r)^n Formula ID: (F/P,i,n)

Function F1P0i0n(P, i, n, disp)

    If disp Then
        F1P0i0n = "F = P(1+r)^n"
        F1P0i0n = P * (1 + r) ^ n
    End If

End Function


Take ID of a formula. (See example). Replace commas with 0s. Replace slashes with 1s.


Always have a 'disp' arg. If true, set function return to a string representation of the formula. If false, solve for the given inputs.

No one remembers the quiz questions like you Michelle -_-