
This repository contains code for an R Shiny application that accesses crime data through an API and displays it on a leaflet map.

Primary LanguageR

MoCo Crime Explorer

This repository contains code for an R Shiny application that accesses crime data through an API and displays it on a Leaflet map.

The live application can be viewed on Shinyapps.io.

UPDATE (2019-09-07)

There were a couple crimes posted to the API with bad coordinates (like in the southern hemisphere bad) and that was causing problems with how I chose a starting point and with how the heatmap worked. So I added filters to screen out points that are far outside the borders of Montgomery County and set the map view to always be the center of the county.

UPDATE (2018-06-28)

Montgomery County changed the format of the data passed through the API which broke the application for a bit. I have updated the code to compensate for this. They also changed the coding scheme for crimes. Finally, I added the "firefly" map option which displays brightly colored points of crime on a black Leaflet map.