
This is a simple tool to search for data in CSV files, aggregating results into a single result file with references back to the original files. It is designed to be executed from a DevContainer and utilize an Azure OpenAI deployed model to take a user's prompt and search record by record to find the best matches.


The minimum requirements to run this tool are:

  • This repository cloned to your local machine
  • An Azure OpenAI endpoint and deployed model (and access to the endpoint and API Key) - see below on using Bicep to deploy an instance
  • VS Code and Docker to run the DevContainer for this solution

Copy the .envsample to .env and update with your Azure values; all values are required to complete the deployment and to run the application.

Variable Description Recommended Value
AZURE_LOCATION The region the Azure resources will deploy into eastus
AZURE_APPENV A unique "workload" name; Azure resources will have this as part of their names
AZURE_SUBSCRIPTIONID The GUID of your Azure subscription
AZURE_OPENAI_MODELNAME The model to use in your Azure OpenAI deployment gpt-35-turbo-16k
AZURE_OPENAI_MODELVERSION The version of the model to use in your Azure OpenAI deployment 0613

Deploying Azure OpenAI with Bicep

From the DevContainer VS Code terminal, run the ./deploy.sh script to automatically deploy a new resource group and Azure OpenAI instance to your Azure subscription. The process will take a few minutes. If there are any errors during the deployments, logs will be written to the ./logs directory and timestamped based on the run.

Once the deployment has completed successfully, you can now run the application.

Removing Resources when Finished

If you are done with the resources and this application, running the ./remove.sh script will remove all Azure resources created by the deployment.

Running the Application

You can either run the application in the VS Code debugger by launching the Python Debugger: Streamlit App task, or by utilizing the ./run.sh script in the root of the repository. Utilizing the debugger will allow you to breakpoint and see the steps of the application, while running the script will be bound to just the web app.

Once you have started the application, you can view it in the browser at http://localhost:8501.

If you have issues utilizing Azure OpenAI, check that you are logged in to the az cli by opening a terminal in VS Code and running az login. This will ensure that the application can authenticate to Azure on your behalf.

Input Files

CSV files should be placed in the _data/_input directory or uploaded through the web app; all files that are in this directory will be searched as part of the run.

CSV File Format

There are only a few requirements for the CSV files:

  • They must be valid (e.g., escaped values if necessary)
  • There must be a header row
  • The header row much have two columns, Id and Name
  • Any other columns will be included as part of the search

Output Files

Output will be visible in the web application. Use the Export to Disk button to save the output to disk.The output file be placed in the _data/_output directory. You can also download the output file directly from the data grid on the web app without saving it to the repository directory.