
This is a pet project of a 3D game engine using DirectX 11, C++, and a Lua scripting engine


This is a pet project of a 3D game engine using DirectX 11, C++, and a Lua scripting engine


3/19/2012 ObjectManager class -needs to inheret from resource manager (done)-Needs to make mesh identifier optional -Implement the DrawFrame() with more control over the process. -Implement collision flag ResourceManagement class -Simplify? Allow for greater modularity for different types of resources ( files, meshes, objects ) Mesh Class -Manage the size of the verticies and indecies buffer automatically -Implement Get functions for verticies and indicies arrays Constant Buffer -Allow for the color of an object to be updated after creation General Goals -Encapsulate area in a room -Implement Collision between objects which allow it -2nd Cube is AI controlled, moves away from the player (Done)-Eliminate RGBAColor, find a better way to pass color data around. XMFLOAT4?