
docker images for building and testing friendly-chainsaw powershell/pwsh modules

Primary LanguagePowerShell


This is docker images that I use to build/test my friendly-chainsaw powershell modules

How to use

With a script module directory like:


From one level above the MyModule directory, we are going to run a container and bind mount to the /build path on the container to our local current directory (${pwd}).

run the following to build all the modules in the individuals folders: docker run --rm -it -w /build -v $${PWD}:/build bmcclure89/fc_pwsh_build -Verbose -moduleAuthor "Brandon McClure"

to build a single module: docker run --rm -it -w /build -v $${PWD}:/build bmcclure89/fc_pwsh_build -moduleName @('MyModule.psm1') -Verbose -moduleAuthor "Brandon McClure"

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