
A quick and basic Open AI Whisper written in python using a gradio UI and API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A quick and basic Open AI Whisper written in python using a gradio UI and API.

I wrote this to offload STT functionality from old or CPU only computers onto a more beefy server. This has been serving my needs well and is pretty simple so I want to share. I am open to pull requests or issues, although my primary goal for this service is to keep it simple.

To Build

you need docker, gnu make, powershell core to run the makefile. Read the makefile to run the docker build command directly.

Run make build

To Run

docker run -d -p 7861:7861 -v /mnt/TANK/apps/ai/whisper/cache:/root/.cache/whisper bmcclure89/whisper_api:main

Mounting the volume is optional, but pre