
Grunt task to kill a process using either a already-known PID or pid file

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

grunt-kill Build Status

Validate processes from grunt.

Requires grunt 0.4


npm install grunt-kill --save-dev

Add the following to load the task into your Gruntfile:



grunt-kill is a multi-task, meaning you can create targets with different configurations.

There are 4 ways you can specify the pid to kill:

  • Specify the pid directly with the pid option
  • Give a function with the pid option which returns the pid
  • Point to a pid file with the pid option
  • Use the standard grunt source file settings to specify pid files.

Examples specifying a pidfile in your Gruntfile:

kill: {
  myService: {
    src: [ 'my-service.pid' ]
  secondary: {
    pid: 'secondary.pid'

Example specifying a pid directly:

kill: {
  simpleService: {
    pid: 5741

Example with a function:

kill: {
  functionCallExample: {
    pid: function () {
      return locateMyService().getPid();

Only synchronous functions are supported at this time.

Running Tests

Most of the code in this plugin has unit tests. To run them all to check for regressions, run just grunt, like so:

$ grunt

This will lint all of the JavaScript source files, the Gruntfile itself, and run all unit tests.

Release History

  • 2015-08-23   v1.0.0   First official release