
Website for trailercraft.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React/NextJS with CosmicJS Starter

A simple starter for building SEO friendly react apps that leverage CosmicJS as the backend and CMS.

Sass is used for styles. Api requests are made using the CosmicJS NPM package.

Getting Started

  • Clone and npm install. (npm v6* def works)
  • Add a .env file to the root of your project with your CosmicJS environment variables.
  • npm run dev

Environment Variables (really only need cosmic_bucket).

Get these by logging into CosmicJS.com, Settings/Basic Settings of the trailercraft bucket. The COSMIC_BUCKET is trailercraft, then generate a new read key.


Deploying to now

To deploy to now just add keys via your console before running now:

$ now secret add COSMIC_BUCKET XXXX
$ now secret add COSMIC_WRITE_KEY XXXX
$ now secret add COSMIC_READ_KEY XXXX